Friday, July 30, 2010


The members draw did not go off again, so next week it hits $900.00 thanks to our sponsor Belle Properties.

Friday Night Menu

A full house last night for Friday night dining proved to be a great success.

It was fanatstic to see the Club House full again.

Thanks to all who had dinner. If there is anything we can do to improve please drop us a line..

Cheers Michael

Thursday, July 29, 2010

QUPEX GOLF DAY 30/7/2010

The Oil and Gas exlporation Industries Golf Day got off to a foggy start this morning. 144 Players hit off after Bacon and eggs at about 8.00am.

A three Course lunch will be served after Golf.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Feed Back from Regular Friday Night Diners

Greg Yee is one of our Friday night diners who doesn't miss a week.

However Greg is not too fussed with the new $10.00 menu.

He wants us to bring back the Menu with a larger variety and a few more expensive meals.

So next week we will expand the $10.00 menu and include 2 $22.00 meals.

These dearer meals will not be available to people holding the Free Birthday Meal Letter.


The QUPEX Golf is upon us again.

The event will take place next Thursday and friday. 29 and 30 July
This year they are playing a 7.30 shotgun start on both days.
So on Thursday the course will be available from 12.30pm and Friday from around 2.30 pm for 9 holes.
Let's hope we have the same gloriuos weather as we had last year. Any questions go to the website or phone the office on 33763666.

Staff @ McLeod start training

Irene, Rita, Sue, Gayle, Judy and Stuart started a Cert iv Course in Hospitality. They all said they were very exited at the opportunity to do the course.

It is the first time any of them have had to HIT THE BOOKS for many years.

It will be a lot of fun and a great challenge.

The course will be on every second Thursday till the end of March 2011.

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