Thursday, January 20, 2011

Course on track for quicker than expected Recovery

After the '74 flood the course had 9 holes open after 3 weeks. If this dry weather stays around we should have 8 holes available next week and 8 more the following week.

The green staff have worked to a plan See Peters Blog to get the course up and running.

He has advised that more volunteers will be required in a few weeks time to get the bunkers up and running. As soon as the course can take heavy machinery an invition will go out for assistance.

Some clubs are already using such equipment to remove layers of mud. and they are having to very carefull as the equipment can often cause major damage to the fairways while they are still so wet. Then expensive fairway repairs also have to be budgeted.

 Peter's team are working to a similar plan to '74 - the mud dries and then the mowers break it up which allows the grass to grow through. This plan is working very well. Simple but effective.

When you play you will notice that many of the weeds in the fairways have died, this is because of the large ammount of salt in the floodwaters.

The couch has survived and will grow very well with the natural top dressing received. 

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