Wednesday, April 13, 2011

McLeod Golf Club

To all Members and Fellows

On behalf of The Board thank you for putting up with the playing conditions at the moment. I know it has been difficult with the sewerage works on the 7th adding to the upheaval caused the by the fairway watering installations and the damage caused by the floods.

In addition to this we have been 1 staff member down for 3 months and another for the last month.

Please continue to bear with us as in the next week or so they will be starting the retro fit of the electrical wiring on the greens and fairways on the front nine. This should not be as evasive as the current works.

The Board realizes it is painful playing at the moment but he the irrigation upgrade is something we have been trying to do for seven years and when finished it will ensure we can provide a quality course year round. “ Short term pain for long term gain.”

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me

Margaret Duggan

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