Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Emotional Baggage

"Don't keep it dump it and move on"
Was it something your parents did 20 years ago? Something a customer said last week? Or something a spouse or friend said yesterday? Old baggage is emotional stuff we carry around with us for days, months or even years. It is usually negative stuff like old hurts, resentments, anger or some kind of pain inflicted by another person or situation. It can also be just carrying around some old guilt, failure or fear that impacts our current relationships and life in general.

Why do people hold on to all of these old feelings? Everyone moves through life with their own very personal agendas, needs and life issues. Old baggage starts to feel very comfortable after a while, so comfortable as a matter of fact that many people die never able to let go of these hurts, slights and pain. There is one very good reason to let go of all of this stuff. One of the major causes of stress today is suppressed emotions that fester in the body taking their eventual toll on some aspect of our physiology. One of the biggest causes of stress today is all of this old emotional baggage. So why let it go? It may kill you if you don’t.

For more information go to

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