Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Captains Corner Wednesday 13 July

Wednesday’s Captains Corner

1. Time Slots There has been an issue with people pulling out of timeslots and moving somewhere else after a person has put their name down beside them. It is quite rude to pull out and leave that person on their own. If for some reason you have to do this please phone the person and let them know.

2. Slow Play On Saturday we found our first group of Members were more than one and half fairways behind the Fellows and 24 minutes behind them finishing. The second group were another fairway behind. These girls know who they are and need to remember that the afternoon field is really tired of hitting off late. The fellows went around in just over 4 hours ( due to having Marshalls out all morning). It just proved that it can be done. We played a 4 Ball alliance which really meant that not all girls should have finished every hole so we should have been quicker than normal not slower.

3. Time out Time in Please remember to put your time out and time in times on the back of your cards and please put an accurate time. Overall this helping everyone remember that we must keep up with the group in front of us and not worry about the ones behind.

4. Dropping When dropping the rule states that the ball must be dropped from shoulder height. It is amazing how low some ladies shoulders are !

5. Dropping from sand. When dropping from sand areas determine the nearest point of relief before dropping. Sometimes it may not be in the side you would like. Also sand filled divots do not count !

6. Championships The Championship draw has been done. Good Luck to everyone. The times have changed from the conditions of Championship Notice. We will now be hitting off at 1030 am on the first tee and 11.00 am off the 10th tee each day. Please check the computer for your tee time.

7. President V’s Captain This draw will be completed by 5pm on the 14th of July.

8. Average of Aggregate This competition is being played on the 27th of July (Divisional Draw) The paper sheet is on the counter in the office and the draw will be done next Thursday the 21st of July.

9. Holden Scramble Don’t forget to organize your team for the Holden Scramble.

Good Golfing …..Julie M.

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