Friday, July 8, 2011

Captains Corner

Members Captain's Corner

Each week Captain Julie will update the members on the latest Golf information from McLeod. 

1. The white stakes in the garden bed on the left hand side of the 4th fairway are being removed. Please play the ball as it lies.

2. The championship draw will be done as late as possible to get as many entries in as we can. We will send an email when released to the net

3. The same pairings are being used for both days of the Championships. The payment for both days is to be made on the Saturday the 16th.

4. Wednesday the 20th of July is now President V’s Captain Match Play. The Garden ladies are the sponsors and a paper sheet is on the counter in the office.

5. On Wednesday the 27th of July we are playing an Average of Aggregate Stableford. ( team of 4 but each player plays their own single stableford game and then at the end all 4 scores are added together and divided by 4 to get a team score) It is also a Divisional Draw and the paper sheet for this is also on the counter in the office area.

6. Don’t forget to keep collecting your Paul’s Milk caps as 10 cents goes to the Club for each one collected.

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